This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of CVS Training Pants. All opinions and views are mine alone. I’m enjoy trying new products other moms may love, but I only share the ones I truly like think you will find useful as well.Â
Potty training boys is something that I’ll admit I was not only completely clueless about but also a bit afraid of. I knew the day would come but I sort of cast aside the idea as a parenting issue I would seek advice for once we reached that phase. Well we’ve hit it, we are somewhere in the middle of the potty training arena, we’ve celebrated some triumphs and we’ve had some “HONEY, come look! And bring paper towels, LOTS of paper towels!” moments.
With the right tools and a few tips potty training can be a simpler, stress-free process.
The Tools
- Training pants. We tried the CVS training pants and loved the cute style, comfy fit and the refastenable sides.
- Child’s Toilet or Toilet Seat. We tried both and ended up our son preferred using the big potty with a toilet seat. Make sure yours has a good splash guard.
- Stool. A basic kids stool will help with climbing up by himself as well as teaching to wash hands after.
- Candy, fruit snacks, stickers or whatever reward works with your toddler.
- Wipes, lots of wipes. Even though they can use the potty it will be awhile before they can wipe properly. Plus wipes help with quick clean up when they “miss the mark.”
- Patience. It will happen, it might take a couple days, couple weeks…. it will happen.
My son started showing interest in “going potty” right after he turned two. He started stripping down and saying he wanted to use the big potty like Daddy. I was surprised by how quickly he took to the idea and thought, wow that was pretty easy. For a couple of weeks he was rather consistent and excited about going to the bathroom. Then he just kind of lost interest and decided he no longer wanted to use the potty. When we asked if he had to go he would reply “No mom, I’m oooookay!” Ok as in, ok with just doing his business in the diaper from now on.
I was confused and frustrated, mostly with myself because I realized I had not prepared for potty training as I should have. I naively thought it was just gonna be that easy, like a switch turns on and suddenly your child is all done with diapers. Though we were exuberant and encouraging with his potty successes we weren’t as committed as we should have been. I was used to the convenience of diapers, I wasn’t ready for a schedule change that allowed for the extra 10 to 20 minutes it takes to give a toddler time to work it all out and redress. So I defaulted on the diapers when we were traveling or just needed to get out the door.
After realizing we needed a real potty training game plan I made sure to prepare myself for the next go around. Armed with the right tools and a ton more knowledge courtesy of tips from my mom squad of potty training pros, we were ready to start toilet training again.
First on the list, training pants. We do a ton of our shopping at CVS, it’s close by and they have all the stuff we need. I found the CVS training pants in the baby care aisle and decided to give them a try. I liked the cute design, plus the packaging stated they have refastenable sides and a wetness indicator that fades when wet. I grabbed some fruit snacks and stickers and we made our way home ready to restart our adventure.
I dusted off the potty we had neglected since our first run and we pulled Brady into the bathroom for a pow wow on our new plan. Like most kids, BÂ will pretty much do anything for something sweet so we filled a mason jar with fruit snacks and explained that every time he could have a treat or a sticker. Some people have successfully completed potty training without rewards and I stand in awe of their mystical powers. We however have found that rewards, especially the sweet kind, have been highly effective with our child.
Brady loves his training pants, it was a very exciting idea for him to be able to pull them up all by himself. I’m a big fan of how the CVS training pants fit, they’re stretchy and comfortable plus the refastenable sides really make it easy for us to get them on and off.
I’m happy to say that this time we’ve had a consistent run of success, with only a few accidents to report. We aren’t quite at the finish line so we’ll be sticking with training pants for a bit, but we’ve got a routine down and a rewards system that works.
Here are a few more tools and tips that worked for us:
- Timing. Keep track of when your child goes to the bathroom for a few days. You’ll start to see a routine that will make it easier for you to implement and plan for.
- Modeling. Many children learn best from watching mommy and daddy.
- Encouragement. Make a BIG BIG deal out of how exciting this process is and how proud you are of him.
- Don’t be too forceful. If your child insists they do not have to go don’t be forceful about making them use the toilet. Pushing too hard can cause them to view this as a negative experience and cause avoidance issues.
- Privacy. Some kids really want privacy and independence. Give them a little extra time and let them go alone. This might be messier but will allow your child to explore his control of his body and become more comfortable.
What potty training tips have worked with your child? Please share in the comments below.
Every milestone is full of trials and triumphs and every mom needs a little extra advice and encouragement.
This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of CVS Training Pants. All opinions and views are mine alone.Â
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