This post was sponsored by Nature Made® as part of an Influencer Activation for Influence Central.

Now that school is starting we’re settling into a more normal schedule and getting back to our everyday routine. Our summer days were a little crazy, with lots of trips, meals on the run and staying up late. It was tons of fun, but I’m looking forward to having more structured weeks so I can feel more productive and have more time for myself.

A Protein Rich Breakfast Plus Fitbit Giveaway Drink Milk in the Morning for More Energy

Changing up your morning routine can seriously change your life. It’s so important to start the day off right and implement a plan that will get everyone up and out the door on a positive note. You’ll be a better, happier mom and your kids will have more great days too!

So how do you go from a sluggish start that’s hectic and stressful to having a miracle morning? I’m going to share with you a few secrets, what works for my family and will work for yours too…..

  1. Great mornings start with good evenings. A little planning ahead will save you time and sanity when you’re trying to get out the door. Lay out your clothes, put your bag by the door ready to go with all your essentials. Do the same for your kids. Make it a normal part of their nightly routine to pick out clothes and pack their bags and put them by the door. Avoiding the last minute scramble in the morning will make every day much, much easier.
  2. Wake up 30 minutes before everyone else. While you might think that getting a little extra sleep is good, it won’t help super-charge your day the way having a half hour to yourself will. Taking the first thirty minutes of each day to set your intentions and review your goals will make you feel more motivated and in control.
  3. Two minutes of exercise. You only need two minutes to change your whole morning. Getting your blood flow going will break you out of that groggy, sleepy spell and get you in gear. You’ll feel more energetic and ready to face the day. Do jumping jacks, climb up and down the stairs or do a quick circuit routine.
  4. Shower and dress for success. As a work at home mom, I thought that staying in my pajamas all day sounded fabulous. Turns out while it’s convenient, it doesn’t do much to build a positive, confident attitude. Taking the time to take care of yourself and look your best will motivate you to do more and make you feel great. And you’ll avoid embarrassing carpool line conversation with teachers and other moms.
  5. Listen to upbeat music. My son’s whole attitude changes when we turn on some tunes and jam. Playing upbeat music will help put you in a peppier mood and get your kids going too. Buy a wireless speaker and make a fun playlist for the mornings.
  6. Eat breakfast. You need fuel to power through the day and keep your body and brain running smoothly. Create a meal plan for breakfast that will make it easy to feed yourself and your family. You won’t have to waste time scanning the fridge trying to come up with something every morning and you’ll have a set shopping list that will also save you time.
  7. Take your vitamins. A great multi-vitamin is an essential for having an awesome day. You need one that supports your needs and your kids need one as well, it’s a healthy habit you want to encourage your kids to adopt early on.

Nature Made® KIDS FIRST® Mulitvitamin Gummies are a great choice. These gummies taste great and come in delicious all-natural fruit flavors. They provide 9 key nutrients, plus the essential omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA. Gummies are an easy way to fill the many nutrient gaps kids may be lacking in their daily diet.

Morning Routine for Moms to Make Everyday AWESOME Back to School Schedule via @frostedevents

As a mom I love that Nature Made® KIDS FIRST ® vitamins are gluten-free and are made with no synthetic dyes, as well as no preservatives or yeast. Gummies are an easy way to fill the many nutrient gaps kids may be lacking in their daily diet. Nutrients like vitamins A, C, D and E, B vitamins, and zinc.

You can pick them up at Target while you’re shopping for those last few back-to-school essentials or getting an early start on Halloween decorations. I just found some super cute Halloween and Thanksgiving stuff in the Target Dollar Spot! And you know that the cute stuff disappears quick so check it out soon.

Wishing all you mommas a wonderful first week of school! Please share your tips for making mornings awesome in the comments or on our Facebook page. I’d love to hear how you get your day started.


†These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.  These products  are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.