Wanna know how to be more put together, how to look more polished and successful? These 7 steps will teach you how to present yourself and organize your life so you give off an air of effortless style and grace.

how to be more put together

How to be more put together

  1. Invest in classic style.

    Avoid trends that come and go. Always appear stylish by wearing pieces that are simple and flattering. Choose a signature color palette and style. Invest in accessories – great shoes, a nice purse, pretty jewelry.
  2. Details darling!

    People notice the small things. Neat, polished nails make you appear more put together and pretty. Good skin gives the impression you take extra care of yourself. A bright smile wins people over more easily. Take time to pamper yourself and pay attention to the details.
  3. Plan Ahead.

    Successful women always seem to be positively calm and in control. That’s because they prep! Plan ahead and you’ll avoid looking scattered and stressed. Lay out your clothes the night before. Review your schedule, give yourself plenty of time so you’ll arrive promptly to any appointment. This means knowing where your keys are, what traffic will be like, where to park and saving details like addresses so you can pull them up easily.
  4. Make it routine.

    Put together people have figured out that one of the secrets to life is create routines and set them in place. Following a daily routine will help make good habits second nature. This will save you time and energy, eliminate stress and give you a more calm, well-balanced life.
  5. Keep it clean.

    Polished people know that looking put together extends beyond their personal appearance. Having a neat, clean space is an extension of the expression you give. Keep your home clean and clutter-free. Make your bed first thing in the morning, take a few minutes to put away dishes and laundry, wipe down surfaces and store items out of sight.
  6. Be bold.

    Confidence is an essential part of appearing successful! If you don’t believe in yourself how can you expect anyone else to? Perception is powerful. Believe that you are the best version of yourself and you’ll attract others.

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