Home school just became a hot topic for moms deciding which back-to-school plan is the best fit for their family. Many states have chosen to limit in-person learning or have opted for virtual learning only plans to start. Setting your child up for success can help make the transition less stressful for everyone. We’ve rounded up a few ideas for home classrooms and learning stations that will give kids a confident start.

Creating a place for learning can help keep you and your child organized and help you stay focused. At-home workspaces have become a necessity for many households. Turning a spare room or quiet corner into a functional work station can be as simple as setting up a desk and supplies. And while some minimalist families may find that the kitchen table is perfectly fine, we love these creative mini classroom set-ups….



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This is our homeschool room! We are so thankful for our learning space. In our previous house we used our formal dining room. We moved out of that house due to black mold and me being severely sick to the point of being bedridden. We moved into this house which we first rented, then bought. I was lead to this house because of this game room, which is by the kids bedrooms, and I knew it would make the PERFECT spot for a homeschool room! We love it! It’s open and has tons of light flooding in. ⁣ ⁣ We also do some of our schooling at the dining table. We usually do morning time over breakfast and crafts there. Then we do all the reading, hands-on Montessori activities, and more upstairs. ⁣ ⁣ We have dance parties, music time, play blocks, cuddle sessions and read books in our cozy pillow corner, plus swing in our fun chair! Most of the time our learning space is outside in nature. We try to be outside as much as possible. This Texas heat keeps us inside more during the summer. ? ⁣ ⁣ My favorite part of the room is the swing. I could swing all day long if I had the time. It’s so relaxing! ⁣ ⁣ I also want to encourage others that may be thinking of homeschooling. You don’t need a fancy room, all the bookcases filled with books, the perfect table or even all the nice homeschool tools. You can homeschool on the couch, the floor or dining table. You don’t need much, the kids just want to be loved on, poured into, and cheered on. Even the outdoors could become your classroom. ⁣ ⁣ It’s about the experience, creating an adventurous environment, plus your excitement for it too. They will latch on to your curiosity of each subject. They will see how giddy you are to do it with them. It will shape them!

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Last week I shared a quick peak of our at-home learning space and I’m happy to say it is now officially ready for my little students! ? If you caught my stories then you likely know that we have decided on our school’s hybrid schedule to start the year. This means my kids will have 2 days of face-to-face learning each week and the other 3 days will be spent at home doing a mix of independent + virtual learning. Thus the reason why I decided to create a designated “classroom” space at home ? I had a lot of fun pulling this space together and am really excited to put it to good use! We are lucky to have built-in desks in our loft area, which made for a great start to the space. But up until now the kids mostly just used it as a dumping ground for their toys and a place to occasionally sit down & color. With so much uncertainty surrounding the school year, I really just wanted to create something special for the kids to try and make learning at home as enjoyable as possible for them. It may look colorful & organized, but I promise it’s nothing fancy or overly complicated. I found most of what you see here at @target and @michaelsstores and spent less than $100 on everything (minus the desk & chairs). If you’d like a close-up look at the space or are curious about certain details, be sure to check out my stories for more! What will school look like for your family this year? ?✏️? #MakeItWithMichaels

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We are in full scale homeschool prep around here, which means that our homeschool room is a complete disaster.? I’m seeing a lot of talk about homeschool rooms or dedicated spaces for doing school, but I want to assure you that if you are new to the homeschooling community, you do not need to have a dedicated space for your children to learn. In fact, there’s a good chance that if you create a space specifically for education, you and your kids will find that you enjoy other spaces in your home more. If you are struggling with the fact that you don’t have a whole room just for homeschooling, that you don’t have posters with the alphabet and multiplication facts up on your walls, that you don’t have a history timeline on display, that you don’t have an easel set up in the corner, that you don’t have rainbow colored wooden blocks lined up beautifully on a shelf….trust me, you are still doing just fine, and your kids can learn without all that. We are incredibly grateful to have the space in this home to use this area for our homeschooling supplies. But if you don’t have one, don’t stress. Totes with lids crammed into a closet or under bunkbeds work just as well. ❤️ To all my homeschooling friends, what is on your to-do list right now as you prepare for the school year? #firsttimehomeschooler #homeschooler #homeschoolroom #homeschool #homeschoollife #homeschoolmom #minimalist #lovelearning #homeeducation #inspiredliving #motherhoodsimplified #homeschoolfamilylife #motherhoodunited #motherhoodjourney #motherhoodmoments #realmotherhood #motherhood #risenmotherhood #childhoodunplugged #intentionallife #intentionalliving #theeverydayproject #everydaymoments #theartofslowliving #chooselovely #livingeducation #myeverydaymagic #hyggehome #simpleandstill #noplacelikehome

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The Lord laid homeschooling on my heart two years ago. I felt completely inadequate to take on this role in every possible way. I was starting to pursue certification in holistic nutrition and wanted to finish that first – yet He was persistent in reminding me of my other calling throughout that journey. And after we prayed a thousand prayers, researched and read books into the wee hours of morning, and consulted some amazing veteran homeschoolin’ mamas… we officially decided to take the leap! We will be missing our MCA family FIERCLY! But we know we’ll stay in touch with all of our dear friends (we love you all!) I am certain that God will be working in my own heart during this time as much as He will be working on my children’s. And I understand this road isn’t for everyone – by any means. Every family has different needs, circumstances, and responsibilities right now. And I am praying for all the teachers, parents, and students trying to navigate these uncharted waters we are facing during this upcoming school year. I hope everyone can find a situation that works best for their family. Sending hugs and love to all of you! Side note – I still feel 100% inadequate for this job. But I’m trusting and having faith that He will carry us through! Other side note – Max is calling our homeschool mascot the “Pipkin Patriots” ? (this Cowboys fan isn’t quite a fan of that name yet lol!) And lastly – my nutrition business is set on hold while we get our footing during this new adventure. Hope to be back at it soon!

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