Bathroom remodeling projects can make your space more attractive and add value to your home. But before you decide to start your new bath renovation read this!
Home Remodeling Projects- How to Find a Home Remodeler for Your Bathroom Makeover
So you’re ready to give your bathroom a makeover and you’re not quite sure where to start. When we decided it was time to give our bathroom a facelift we had to determine whether it was best to make it a DIY project and save money or hire a professional. There are pros and cons for going either route and you really need to take the time to go through what will work best for your situation.
Things to consider:
- Budget. Will your budget allow for hiring a company to do your renovations? If not then you should make a list of ways you can cut costs by doing it yourself. Painting, tiling, general cosmetic changes are things you can easily accomplish. Bigger jobs such as plumbing and electrical might be out of your skill set, so you’ll need outside help.
- Time. Another consideration when deciding which route to take is how long can you go without a functional bathroom. Do you have time to do-it-yourself on the weekends and after-work. Or is this a project that you need done quickly, something a professional bathroom remodeling company can achieve.
- Materials. People often forget to factor in the cost of tools when they take on a DIY project. You might have budgeted for the paint, the new tub, sink and the tile. But you’re also going to need a whole list of tools and equipment to pull it off. Ladders, tile saw, sanders, paint supplies etc… It all starts to add up when you’re buying/renting equipment and running back and forth to the hardware store. Be sure this is the most cost effective plan before you jump in.
- Design. You’ve been stalking Pinterest bathroom ideas and decided on a few you love. Even though it may seem as simple as picking out colors, tile, a sink and a tub or even toilets for small bathrooms, there’s a lot more to making sure your bathroom remodel will work. Your bathroom doesn’t have to be the size of the on in Buckingham Palace, just as long as the final result is what you envisioned is all that matters. A designer can give you insight on the layout, what materials hold up to mold and wet areas, what colors will outlast the trend and retain value if you resell your home. Websites similar to have some fantastic design ideas that you could take on board in your own designs.
Click here for more remodeling tips, advice and how-to guides
Bathroom Remodel Costs
So how much is it all going to cost? Unfortunately, there is no set scale to refer to because remodeling your bathroom is a custom job. Just like buying a house or furnishing a room, it all comes down to the big and little things you decide on.
While I can’t give you an accurate quote for bathroom renovations, there are lots of companies that can. Make sure to get several so you can compare and decide where the best value lies. Don’t forget to ask for references and be sure to follow up with them. Read online ratings, ask questions and get everything in writing.
Where to find a reputable Bathroom Remodeling Company? is a great way to search for bathroom contractors in your area. Answer a few simple questions and HomeAdvisor will match you up with bathroom remodeling companies in your area that are right for the job. They prescreen their list of professionals, plus they have over 2 million verified reviews. Save time, save money, save stress. It’s the best way to start your bathroom renovation with confidence, and it’s always free. Checkout HomeAdvisor now and you’re just a few clicks away from planning the bathroom of your dreams.
Google find a bathroom remodel near me. Bathroom remodeling contractors should be able to provide you with credentials and referrals before you agree to any work or exchange or money. Be sure to do your homework before you decide on any home renovation company.
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I just remodeled my bathroom and it cost a lot of money. I am glad I did as it looks great.
I just redid our bathroom not because it needed a makeover but because we had to deal with leaks. I think these are helpful tips for people who are planning to remodel their bathrooms.
Great thing there is an online way to search for bathroom contractors in every area. We really need something like HomeAdvisor for the best guidance to start bathroom renovation with confidence. I am so practical and of course I wanted to save money and time as well.
That claw-foot bathtub is gorgeous! I love the clean white aesthetic in your photos. My parents are going to remodel their bathroom soon so I’ll have to share your post with them!
We desperately need a bathroom remodel. I agree that painting and laying tile and things we could probably do ourselves to save money. I love looking at Pinterest for ideas!
I am hoping to remodel my bathroom soon. I would just love to put a claw foot bathtub in there.
These are great tips! We’re not in a place to renovate our home bathrooms quite yet, but I can’t wait for renovation projects. I feel like they’re be really fun!
We are actually in the middle of remodeling 2 bathrooms ! Thanks for the great tips! I will need them!
I love the bathroom remodeling ideas that you have shown in this post. I am going to tap into them for inspiration!
That looks so awesome!!! I’m currently using some DIY’s to make it look better but remodelling sounds so much fun.
I think that it’s really important to have a budget for any kind of home improvement project. Choosing the right materials and tools for the job is something that should be always in a renovation list.
Bathroom goals! Can’t wait to own one day so I can build the bathroom of my dreams.
The article made a good point how about a remodeling budget. It says that you can make a list of ways to cut costs in order to achieve the best possible renovation to your space. I have heard that refinishing a bathtub instead of getting a new one is an excellent way to cut costs. Is that true?
Everyone may think that bathroom remodeling will cost too much. I think this is absolutely true but though these things can get little pricey but still there is a good return on the investment over the time. Well, I want to some of the common benefits of bathroom remodeling in the following.
1)It improves the overall cleanliness of the bathroom which intern helps to improve the overall health condition.
2)It can also save on utilities and add some energy efficiency to the home.
3)It can also an individual’s confidence for home renovation.
4)It adds more space and increases the overall value of the home.
As it has a lot of advantages, in order to avail it one should have to remodel his bathroom as per the tips that have mentioned in the blog. I genuinely liked all the tips and would like to say thank you for sharing this.
Great tips! A lot of people aren’t sure what to expect when getting into bathroom renovation and an article like this clears a lot up.
Wow, so beautiful I love every detail. I am searching for ideas for a master bath which had the layout of yours, same long but little bit less wide.
I just finished reading all about it on your blog, I really enjoyed reading and seeing it all take shape, thanks for sharing, you did a great job picking all your beautiful new fittings, enjoy!
I personally don’t think cutting the cost by working yourself on remodeling rather than hiring a professional is such a good idea. I know a few people who have tried remodeling themselves to cut the cost and ended up spending more than they actually would have if they hired the professional in the first place.
Thank you for keeping it real! Your space turned out gorgeous and you both must be so proud of all your hard work. Not only did you save a heck of a lot doing that yourself, it’s incredible that you stuck to your timeline and got everything done (and photographed and shared on the blog) just in time for your visitors.
I would like to hire a plumber that will be able to replace my bathroom’s tub and old shower. Thank you for suggesting here as well the importance of allocating a realistic budget for this. I also agree with you that it will be smarter to have the space repainted too.