Lately I can track my child through the house by the path of crumbs he leaves. We’ve nicknamed him the crumb machine, he just seems to make any piece of food you hand him crumble into a thousand pieces. Add to that the fact that he eats ALL DAY long, there’s always a messy floor that needs to be cleaned. I hated dragging out our big clunky vacuum, removing the child proof plug covers to plug it up and going room to room just to have to repeat again and again. Product Expert have made a post called “our range of the best vacuum cleaners in India for 2019” that goes into more detail about vacuums so take a look if you’re interested. Having a good vacuum can really help make life easier! Feels like all I do is clean the floors. I know there are a lot of different vacuums that could help with cleaning floors, for example, something like this

Hoover Cordless Vacuum Moms Helper with Messy Kids Vacuum Review

We got this new Hoover Cordless 2-In-1 Stick and Handheld Vacuum to try and I was soooooo impressed with how much easier it makes cleaning up all those little messes. This thing is a total game changer for moms! It’s like they took every grievance I had with my old vac and made this awesome little floor cleaning machine.

Hoover Cordless Vacuum Moms Helper with Messy Kids Vacuum Review

The Hoover Cordless Vac has so many handy features. It’s very lightweight so you can take it room to room without feeling like your getting a workout. Or up and down the stairs like my house, uggh! The cordless feature is awesome of course. The rechargeable battery pack pops out and plugs into a small charger, convenient if you store your vacuum in a broom closet without access to an outlet. I can keep the battery charger on a shelf in our laundry room and pop it back in when it’s fully charged. It uses a LithiumLife battery with a longer runtime than most battery packs.

Hoover Cordless Vacuum Moms Helper with Messy Kids Vacuum Review

This thing moves like a dream too, turning with ease to tackle any little area of your house. There’s a switch at the top that turns it from a hard floor vacuum to a carpet cleaning vac, making the rotating brushes roll. Plus it has a light so you can see all the spots you might have missed.

I love that with the press of a button I have a handheld vacuum to clean up little messes and clean up areas that a floor vacuum can’t get to, like all the stuff that falls in the couch cushions and corners.


I’m so happy to have found a vacuum that’s compact and has all the features of several products combined in one. You can find some of the top rated wood floor vacuums here. This is one powerful, handy little helper for any mom with little crumb machines like mine.

Hoover Cordless Vacuum Moms Helper with Messy Kids Vacuum Review

The Hoover Cordless 2-In-1 Stick and Handheld Vacuum is available in stores now, just in time for holiday shopping!

Check out more on the Hoover on their social pages:

I was selected for this opportunity as a member of Clever Girls and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.