Autumn is that magical juncture where nature dons its golden garb, and the air whispers promises of cozy days ahead. But amidst the pumpkin lattes and cozy sweater weather, there’s another thing we mustn’t forget: prepping our homes for the colder months. Take a minute to go over this fall home maintenance checklist and make sure you’ve covered all the bases to prepare your home.

fall home maintenance checklist

Fall Home Maintenance Checklist

1. Gutter Game Strong

First things first, those falling leaves might look Insta-worthy on the ground, but they’re no good clogging up your gutters. Clearing them out ensures rain and melting snow have a place to go, reducing chances of leaks or ice dams. We use this WORX Blower Tube gutter cleaning kit to clean our gutters like a pro.

2. Warm Hearts, Sealed Windows

Those drafty windows might’ve given you a cool breeze during summer, but now? Not so charming. Ensure your windows are sealed tight to keep the cold out and your heating bill from skyrocketing. Replace weather stripping and make sure your window seal is not cracked or rotted.

3. Fireplace Facetime

If you’re lucky to have a fireplace, make sure it’s safe and ready. A professional sweep can clear out any critters or creosote so that you can enjoy those marshmallow-roasting moments. Or try burning a creosote sweeping log

4. A Roof Overhead – Literally!

Give your roof a quick glance. Look for missing shingles or any wear and tear that might spell trouble once the snow or heavy rain starts. Peel and Seal Aluminum works great for instant waterproof repairs.

5. The Heater Huddle

No one wants a chilly surprise mid-shower! Make friends with your furnace by ensuring it’s cleaned and serviced. A happy furnace equals a warm and cozy living space.

6. Garden Goodbyes

Your plants gave you joy all summer. Time to return the favor. Prune back perennials, mulch them in, and bid them a gentle see-you-next-spring. Worx battery powered hedge trimmer will help you trim trees, bushes and shrubs in no time.

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Fall Porch Decor – Pumpkins and Mums image property of frostedevents- All rights reserved

7. Hose Down the… Hoses

Disconnect garden hoses and drain the water. This little task prevents pipes from freezing and bursting—definitely a chilly situation we’d all like to avoid! Use this hideaway hose reel to store hose out of sight.

8. Safety First, Always!

While you’re in prep mode, check smoke and carbon monoxide detectors. It’s a small step that provides huge peace of mind.

As we say hello to fiery foliage and crispy morning air, remember, a little home TLC now can make your transition into winter a walk in the park—or in our case, a snug day indoors with a good book and that pumpkin latte! Here’s to a season of warmth, both inside and out!

Printable Home Maintenance Checklist

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