Australian Labradoodle Puppies are the cutest! Our new puppy Finn is a lovable ball of fur. He’s stolen our hearts, our socks and all of the boys attention and affection. They are completely obsessed with him.

Australian Labradoodle Puppy Pics - Our family dog, puppy and baby pics frostedevents Misty Nelson

My oldest has begged for a dog for soooooo long. Moving to a new home, my husband starting a new job and welcoming our sweet baby boy made me hesitant to take on another responsibility. Once we had settled into our new life and had our new routines in place we decided it was the right time.

Australian Labradoodle Puppy Pics - Our family dog, puppy and baby pics frostedevents Misty Nelson

After consulting with family and friends and spending some time researching dog breeds we narrowed it down to the doodles. A close friend has an Australian Labradoodle and after giving us the rundown on why they are amazing pets we decided that was the one for us. 

Australian Labradoodle Puppies Pics - Our family dog, puppy and baby pics frostedevents Misty Nelson

What is an Australian Labradoodle?

Australian Labradoodles are hybrid mix of poodle, labrador, English cocker spaniel and American cocker spaniel breeds. They are known to be highly intelligent and are often used as service dogs and companion pets.

First bred in the 1980s to create a guide dog with the temperament of a labrador and the low-shedding fleece of a poodle, Australian Labs are considered very allergy friendly.

They’re friendly and social, great with children and loyal companions. Their moderate size and activity level make them energetic enough for play but do not require lots of exercise. An hour a day of exercise is recommended and they are happy with twice a day walks.

Australian Labradoodle Puppies Pics - Our family dog, puppy and baby pics frostedevents Misty Nelson

Bright and curious, Australian Labradoodles are highly trainable. They love to play games, fetch objects and follow their owners lead.

With proper training they make wonderful, loyal pets!

Baxter & Bella Online Dog Training 

Australian Labradoodle

Australian Labradoodles come in several shades, from deep brown, chocolate, black and snowy white. Their fur type is typically classified as hair, fleece or wool.

Are Australian Labradoodles hypoallergenic?

While they are considered the most allergy friendly dogs, there’s no such thing as a hypoallergenic dog.  Humans can be allergic to pets for many different reasons. You should always consult with your doctor before introducing a pet into your home.

Do Australian Labradoodles Shed?

They are a very low-shedding breed. Depending on their coat, they may have minimal to no-shedding at all.

Australian Labradoodle Puppy Pics - Our family dog, puppy and baby pics frostedevents Misty Nelson

How big do Australian Labradoodles get?

They are a small to medium breed, ranging from 14 to 24 inches. On average, they can weigh anywhere between 15 to 65 lbs. Pups are labeled as miniature (15 to 25 lbs) , medium (30 to 45 lbs) or standard (50 to 65 lbs.)

How long do Australian Labradoodles live?

Average life expectancy is 12 to 15 years.

Australian Labradoodle Puppy Pics - Our family dog, puppy and baby pics frostedevents Misty Nelson

Australian Labradoodle Puppies

Visit the Australian Labradoodle of America Page to find a good breeder. 

Australian Labradoodle puppies require patience, time and attention to train. Educate yourself on all the things your new puppy will need before you bring him home. House training takes time. Puppies will cry at night. They will chew and destroy, no matter what breed you decide upon. Be sure you are ready to take on the responsibilities and expense of any new pet before you decide to bring one home.

Australian Labradoodle Puppy Pics - Our family dog, puppy and baby pics frostedevents Misty Nelson

Australian Labradoodle Breeders

North Carolina Australian Labradoodle Breeders – Berrybrook Doodles



Australian Labradoodle Puppy Pics - Our family dog, puppy and baby pics frostedevents Misty Nelson

Australian Labradoodle Puppies Pics - Our family dog, puppy and baby pics frostedevents Misty Nelson


Australian Labradoodle Puppy Pics - Our family dog, puppy and baby pics frostedevents Misty Nelson

Australian Labradoodle Puppy Pics - Our family dog, puppy and baby pics frostedevents Misty Nelson

Australian Labradoodle Puppy Pics - Our family dog, puppy and baby pics frostedevents Misty Nelson

How to Groom Australian Labradoodle Video




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