This post is sponsored by Jasco. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
Bedtime can be a big struggle, right moms? You get them bathed and in their pajamas, brush their teeth and read a bedtime story. And just when you think the day is done and you’re ready to retreat to a cozy place on the couch where you can watch Netflix, you hear the sound…
Mom, I’m thirsty.”
“Mom, I need to go potty again.”
“Mom, how many more days are there till Christmas.”
Start allllll over again! We had the hardest time getting our little guy to want to go to bed. He would conjure up the craziest excuses to avoid surrendering to his pillow and giving us some peace. Don’t get me wrong, I love our bedtime routine, it’s one of my favorite things. I love reading stories together and the sweet snuggles that I get at the end of the day. But the bedtime struggle was starting to wear me out!
Finally, we found a light at the end of the tunnel. A night light that is, but this night light is way cooler than the one you had when you were a kid. Projectables® Night Lights light up your little one’s room for bedtime and bring their favorite characters to life.
They are available in single image night lights (plug-in) and six-image night lights (plug-in or battery-operated.)Projectables® Night Lights display a 3-foot image on the wall, ceiling or floor. My son is wild over anything superhero so he could hardly wait to try out the Marvel Avengers Projectables Night Light.
With six images for him to choose from bedtime never gets boring. Now he races into the room excited to turn on his night light and stare up at his favorite characters. It’s not only comforting though, it’s also very energy efficient. Light-sensing technology means you never need to worry about turning the light and off again. Plus the LED lights use less heat, costing mere pennies a year.
Projectables® LED Night Lights by Jasco are available in battery operated and plug-in options so they will work in any space. The night-light stays cool to touch and features a rotating globe that projects the image up to 10 feet away.
The Motion Projectables® Night Lights cast a colorful mesmerizing landscape that slowly moves across the walls and ceilings. These night lights project slow changing effects across the ceiling of the Space Nebula or the Aurora Borealis, automatically turning on at dusk and off at dawn. The slow drifting light creates a calm, soothing effect that sends your little one off to sleep in no time.
I love that our Projectables® LED Night Lights are not only functional but fun, inspiring imagination and calming fears for my sweet boy. He gets excited about going to bed and I get to reclaim a little more time to myself. Win win!